Start of the six-part series “Turmschatten” on SKY, based on the thriller of the same name by Peter Grandl. A Holocaust survivor (Heiner Lauterbach) takes two neo-Nazis hostage when they break into his house. He streams the vigilante interrogation live on the Internet…
Costume designer Bettina C. Proske rented suits, shirts and bomber jackets from our men’s collection for this political thriller. For the flashbacks to the Second World War, she relied on our large selection of uniforms and matching insignia.
Starring Heiner Lauterbach, Paul Wollin, Klaus Steinbacher, Désirée Nosbusch; Milena Tscharntke, Anja Herden, Murathan Muslu; Production: The Amazing Film Company GmbH; Director: Hannu Salonen; Writing: Peter Grandl; Costume design: Bettina C. Proske
Copyright: The Amazing Film Company GmbH, Sky