Start of the six-part series ‘Pauline’ on Disney+. In this coming-of-age series, Pauline (Sira-Anna Faal) is unexpectedly pregnant by her one-night stand Lukas (Ludger Bökelmann). But that’s not all, because their liaison is the son of the devil. Her pregnancy gives Pauline supernatural powers, which she puts to good use when an epic battle between good and evil ensues. Costume designer Hannah Leiner has found many costumes from different eras at our costume house for this production.
With Sira-Anna Faal, Ludger Bökelmann, Lukas von Horbatschewsky, Johanna Hens, Andrea Sawatzki, Dimitrij Schaad, among others; Production: btf GmbH; Director: Arabella Bartsch, Alma Buddecke, Max Rainer, Facundo Scalerandi; Costume design: Hannah Leiner
Copyright: The Walt Disney Company