The new series ‘Brüt’ is available in the ARD media centre from today. In the queer mystery comedy, Ivo (Helge Mark Lodder) finds a mushroom that leads to ecstasy, but also to absolute clarity. This brings with it a few problems, as his father has accidentally turned into his 12-year-old self with the mushroom and a drug gang is also interested in the find. Costume designers Vera Holthaus and Lara Kainz have put together various styles for the protagonists from our collection.
With Helge Mark Lodder, Noah Karayar, Angela Roy, Sebastian Schneider, among others; Production: Tamtam Film GmbH; Director: Marian Freistühler, Oliver Bassemir; Costume design: Vera Holthaus, Lara Kainz
Copyright: ARD, Agnesh Pakozdi