Stockholm Bloodbath
“Stockholm Bloodbath” opens in Swedish cinemas today. The historical drama centres on the sisters Anne and Freja, who seek revenge on the men who killed their family. In Stockholm, they get caught up in political events that go down in the history books as the Stockholm Bloodbath of 1520. The costume designers Judit Sinkovics and Dóra Ökrös from Ambra Costume Kft (Hungary) worked with us on this historical film.
Among others with Sophie Cookson, Claes Bang, Emily Beecham, Alba August, Adam Pålsson, Matias Varela, Ulrich Thomsen, Jakob Oftebro; production: Paprika Studios; director: Mikael Håfströms; costume design: Judit Sinkovics, Dóra Ökrös / Ambra Costume Kft.
Copyright: Viaplay