Please register for your visit to the Fundus and for the return of costumes.
Theater Art GmbH Eisenzahnstr. 43-44 10709 Berlin, Germany Phone +49 – (0)30 – 86 47 27-0 Fax +49 – (0)30 – 86 47 27-89 info@theaterkunst.de
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Opening hours
Monday till Thursday 8:00 till 16:45 Friday 8:00 till 15:45
Music video Alligatoah
For the new music video of the artist ALLIGATOAH, some costumes were borrowed at Theaterkunst. With almost 500,000 clicks, it is already a success just a few days after release. Watch the music video on YouTube.
11. November 2024
Collection modern Musicvideo
Stylist Melanie Leutfeld has used some unmistakable pieces from our collection for the new music video “Fallout” by the band H-BLOCKX
30. May 2023
Styling Twenty4Tim
To be king for once! Stylist Mads Rønnborg...
10. February 2023
Musicvideo The Boss Hoss
For the current music video YOU by THE BOSS HOSS feat. ILSE DELANGE, the two costume designers Rico Grese and Tanja Jesek have found the perfect costumes in our collection.
29. November 2021
Collection historical / epochs Musicvideo Rental
Music video Se So Neon
For the new music video "Joke" by the South Korean band SE SO NEON, most of the costumes were borrowed from our historic costume hall.
05. November 2021
Music video Kat Frankie
For her new music video "Shiny Things", the wonderful artist Kat Frankie trusted in Theaterkunst when it came to costumes.
18. October 2021
Musicvideo Rental
For the new music video of the artist ALLIGATOAH, some costumes were borrowed at Theaterkunst.
18. May 2021
Stereo Total
25. January 2019
New Rammstein album
It's no longer a secret - RAMMSTEIN, the world famous alternative metal band, is working on the new studio album, their first in 10 years.